Friday 6 May 2011

Model Development: Modeling and Texturing Dev

Below shows the development of the bump elements underneath the plane. The top image shows some improvement but still along way to go before I am happy with the result as the center park of the plane seems that the line isn't clean so looks like the panels are fading which is not wanted.

 The images below show the bump development at the front! the image below shows the final render of that development, I was fairly happy with the outcome and will have to do the same with underneath and back aparts of the plane.

The image above shows an image of the model with elements of the wing starting to be added as well as first tests at the bump map. The problem I had was that I had to hand paint all the bump maps, black areas for parts I want to intrude such as panels and white areas for the bolts to extrude. I had to play with opacity in Photoshop and bump value in maya to get the right look.

At first I was concentrating on the main body as thats the main thing we will be focusing on and the area with the most detail needed.

Here is a an update on the development of the textures! The first image above shows the texture at an early stage. I was blocking out ruff colours and started placing some of the panels and details. I had planned to use projection in mudbox but with the lack of reference images of the same spitfire made it really difficult to use it. So I had to base it out in mudbox then in photoshop start adding in all the details.

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